What are you looking for in pieces of new piano music? Joanne Polk

What are you looking for in pieces of new piano music? Joanne Polk

Joanne PolkPhoto by Jeffrey Langford Most crucial to me is logic. I need to understand why one note follows the next. I also appreciate pianistic fluency in the writing, so that the piece lies well in the hands. I play through a new work a number of times before I decide whether or not I… Read more »

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NewMusicBox Staff

Joanne Polk
Photo by Jeffrey Langford

Most crucial to me is logic. I need to understand why one note follows the next. I also appreciate pianistic fluency in the writing, so that the piece lies well in the hands.

I play through a new work a number of times before I decide whether or not I am the right pianist to perform the piece. I look for innovation, beauty, drama, lyricism.

I seek pieces for which I can be a convincing messenger. Any length, any style. I just need to be touched by the composing, musically.

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