OBITUARY: Alan Lomax, beloved musicologist, 87

OBITUARY: Alan Lomax, beloved musicologist, 87

Alan Lomax, the beloved musicologist who brought countless folk and blues artists to the attention of the American public and preserved their work for the future, died July 20, 2002, at a nursing home in Sarasota, Fla. He was 87. So many of our readers have written to say how great an influence he had… Read more »

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NewMusicBox Staff

Alan Lomax, the beloved musicologist who brought countless folk and blues artists to the attention of the American public and preserved their work for the future, died July 20, 2002, at a nursing home in Sarasota, Fla. He was 87.

So many of our readers have written to say how great an influence he had on their music, we thought it would be appropriate to provide links to obituaries, articles, and resources covering his life and work for those interested in remembering this great musical figure.

(Some links may remain active for a limited time only)

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