NPAC is Very Large

NPAC is Very Large

I just arrived at NPAC, a Major Arts Event about which you’ll be able to read many impressions from many observers on NewMusicBox this week.

Written By

Colin Holter

Colin Holter
Photo by Trevor Hunter

I just arrived at NPAC, a Major Arts Event about which you’ll be able to read many impressions from many observers on NewMusicBox this week. I feel like a small-town girl in a Busby Berkeley picture. NPAC’s enormity is such that I can’t voice my thoughts about it in prose; instead, enjoy these stunned, overwhelmed bullet points:

  • If you’re ever on a really turbulent early-morning flight, ask the airline personnel to seat you next to Middle-Aged Midwestern Guy, who will be more than happy to cackle and nudge you through what will seem to be your imminent demise.
  • This event is gigantic. The convention center is swarming with composers, many of whom I recognize from (decades-old, in some cases) head shots but am just now meeting in person for the first time.
  • Weirder yet, it seems that for each composer there’s a small handful of publisher reps, arts administrators, agents, tour organizers, etc. It’s comforting to see that the support structure for new music numbers so many people…even if many of them are trying to sell you something.

I promise next time I’ll have a normal paragraph with a beginning, middle, and end. Until then.

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