Silver Linings

  • University of Houston, Moores Opera House & Online
  • September 27, 2021
    7:30 pm

AURA performs works that seek out the positive in the program SILVER LININGS. Lighthearted source material sets an optimistic tone in Jesse Jones’ “Yonder” (bass clarinet, violin, viola, cello & piano) by, via bright, quasi-hymnal strains, and Régis Campo’s “Pop Art” (flute, clarinet, violin, vila, cello & piano), via mixed meters and numerous colorful and unusual instrumental effects. “toydogmusic” by Brooke Joyce, also sets an energetic and upbeat mood, which is accentuated through its scoring for piccolo and toy piano. Mary Finsterer’s elegant and beautiful “Angelus” (clarinet, cello & piano) is inspired by a painting of a couple in prayer, and pays homage to this humble, yet profound moment. Niloufar Nourbakhsh’s “White Helmets” (flute, violin & viola) celebrates the organization of the same name that seeks to save and protect civilians in war torn Syria. Nourbakhsh seeks out beauty in the most extreme and intense instrumental ranges of the ensemble, in an effort to symbolize the White Helmets’ message that we must never give up hope. Our program will also feature the short film “A Better Day” by Houston filmmaker and actor Kody Felix, which reminds us to remember the positive even amidst the covid pandemic.

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