The Friday Informer: Mark of the Beast

The Friday Informer: Mark of the Beast

Keeping an eye on the bad guys.

Written By

Molly Sheridan

Movie of the Week:
AT&T Censors Bush Comment?


Portions of a Pearl Jam performance (click on image above) that addressed President Bush were missing from the live Lollapalooza Webcast and may have been censored by AT&T. Pearl Jam’s website reports that “AT&T informed Lollapalooza that portions of the show were in fact missing from the webcast, and that their content monitor had made a mistake in cutting them.” Still, internet watch groups have raised concerns. Watch the uncensored version here.

Can it really be that time already? The musicology professors are copying homework and borrowing notes from the hip-hop artists before the school bell rings again. True gems of wisdom they provide, be assured, but if hip-hop has gotten just a little too depressing and violent for you lately, try these gals.

Inventions designed to soothe the savage beast with music, literally, can be found here, but coaches looking to bolster the offensive line before the Homecoming dance have been advised to look elsewhere—try a little Andriessen. But it’s not all about what you can accomplish with new new music; sometimes old new music does the job as well. Not sure if you are a musical beast or just a cuddly romantic? There’s a quiz for that.

The week in iPod sum-up: there are still those who are anti-iPod and those who can’t even turn them on. Elton suggests we throw this whole internet thing in a big box and toss the key.

M.C— is done pretending. Also, what’s in the coffee these days? The new music bloggers are allgettinghitched. I’ve got a wedding band and a caterer to suggest.

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