How does the venue and the audience affect the music you play? Mary LaRose

How does the venue and the audience affect the music you play? Mary LaRose

Mary LaRose Photo by Ron Schwerin Of course, I am affected by my listeners, but the band always depends on each other first for being it’s own audience, and then from there it goes out to involve. Different venues create unique situations in music. Performing in the studio is unnatural since music is meant to… Read more »

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NewMusicBox Staff

Mary LaRose
Photo by Ron Schwerin

Of course, I am affected by my listeners, but the band always depends on each other first for being it’s own audience, and then from there it goes out to involve. Different venues create unique situations in music. Performing in the studio is unnatural since music is meant to be received at a given moment. To preserve the spontaneity of my sessions, I did minimal overdubs and fixes, though it is very tempting to want to make a “perfect recording”. On live gigs, the music evolves naturally and as it becomes more integrated into the band, it changes – I always like where it goes more and love how it keeps taking on new directions.

“Does place make the space?” I say, it pushes and pulls it into different and interesting shapes.

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